Sunday, January 9, 2011


I've spent the last few weeks in Hawaii among family and friends. Life here has been simple and sweet - quite the opposite of a busy hub like NYC! While here, I have tucked away the noise of city-life far back in my mind. But now, as my trip comes to a close, I must shift gears a little and start to look forward to a new year...2011, here we go!

To me, the great thing about starting a new year is that you are able to kind of "clean off" your slate and set new goals for yourself - force yourself to think about where you are now and where you want to be. I often forget about looking ahead because I get too caught up in the now. Change is inevitable, so why not take back some control and make stuff happen for yourself? Easier said than done, but you gotta start somewhere.

So, some basic resolutions that I have set for myself:

1) Cook - not only will this save me money, but it will also allow me to stay aware of what I am putting into my body.
2) Read - time will be a huge factor here, but I would like to find mental balance by opening up to new genres and mediums
3) Budget - this is going to mean majorly cutting back on my shopping addiction...yikes. But a very necessary step and a huge reality-check.

These will probably be revised as the year goes by, but for now, there it is.

Happy New Year!